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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Word About Fad Diets

Fad diets are more plentiful than the sand on the seashore. Almost daily, a new fad diet springs up, touted by the latest celebrity, starlet, or model. Of course, these very same spokespeople are the ones that you will read about tomorrow as they undergo drug treatment, battle eating disorders, pill dependencies, and seemingly overnight pack on more weight than they ever lost in the first place. You, too, probably have lost weight - in some cases significant amounts - with the help of questionable diets and pill regimens, only to see it all come back within a matter of a few short months. In addition, you are most likely to gain even more weight simply because your body's metabolism and chemistry were severely impacted by the diet you chose in the first place.

No matter what the various stars and websites promise, there is no quick and easy way to shed pounds overnight and any diet that deprives your body of essential vitamins and minerals will do more harm than any good that could possibly come from the weight you will be losing. Dangerous diets are known to have caught innumerable health conditions and even death! Fortunately, the Wizard of Weight Loss is ending the battle of the bulge while at the same time refusing to make use of all the questionable fads and pills that are currently being sold online and over the counter.

Enabling the serious dieter to lose the weight, feel great, and most importantly stay healthy while doing so, the e-book program entitled "Beyond Dieting" will supply you with all the tools, tricks, tips, and hands-on information you need to eat yourself slim. There are no lengthy meetings to attend, no embarrassing weigh-ins, no expensive website memberships to purchase, and no prepackaged food with the taste and consistency of cardboard. Instead, simple food facts are revealed and menu options laid bare that will give you more energy than you have had in years!

Staying away from the fluff, the frills, and the useless common sense info that fills the pages of countless diet books in print and online, the Wizard of Weight Loss gives diet advice to real people with real life diet dilemmas. You will learn how to leave behind the trap of emotional eating and instead only eat when your body signals hunger; you will understand what causes cravings that have derailed your diets in the past and how to work with your body and your mind to overcome these very cravings while leaving you feeling satisfied and not deprived. Key principles for fat burning are revealed while at the same time your mind is challenged to come to see yourself in a different light as the new, slimmer you emerge quickly and permanently.

With the simple "Beyond Dieting" e-book, the Wizard of Weight Loss will take you beyond the diet jungle in favor of a healthy, slim, and empowered you.

For more information, please visit the website at

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