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Thursday, May 1, 2008

How bad eating habits prevent women from becoming slim

Many American women desire to lose weight, and a new survey shows that desire has led 65-percent of those between the ages of 25 and 45 to develop unsafe eating behaviors.

Self Magazine in partnership with the University of North Carolina surveyed more than 4,000 women online to gain an unfiltered understanding of their eating habits and they way they view their bodies. The results show there are many American women who, while they don`t have a defined eating disorder, do have unhealthy eating habits.

The unhealthy eating habits range from cutting calories to a dangerously low level to skipping meals on a regular basis. The survey found 16-percent of women have dieted on 1000 calories a day or fewer and 37-percent of women between the ages of 25 and 45 have skipped meals in an effort to thin down. Dietician Lori Smith says breakfast is the meal skipped most often..

"If I start eating breakfast, then I`m hungry the rest of the day, so they feel that`s one way to curb their intake is just by skipping breakfast so begin with," says Smith.

But Smith says breakfast is the one meal that jump-starts the metabolism and helps most in weight-loss efforts. One of the most alarming finds is that 31-percent of American women have taken part in some type of purging activity. Psychiatrist Elsa Remer says purging can consist of vomiting, laxatives, over exercising, or weight loss pills.

"Weight loss programs, weight loss pills, LA weight loss, they`re marketing to people that want to lost weight whether they need to or not," says Remer.

And according to Self`s survey, 53-percent of dieters admit they are already at a healthy weight.

"It`s like this unattainable goal that if we were to weight this, life would be better," says Remer. "We would work better, I would reach my success, and we get to that goal weight and it`s still not good enough so we keep going."

Remer says disordered eating habits become an eating disorder once they begin to cause physical problems and keep a person from enjoying their everyday life.

The Self Magazine survey offers many other statistics on disordered eating among American Women.

75-percent of women report disordered eating behaviors or symptoms consistent with eating disorders, so three out of four have an unhealthy relationship with food or their bodies.
67-percent of women (excluding those wiht actual eating disorders) are trying to lose weight.
39-percent of women say concerns about what they eat or weigh interfere with their happiness.
27-percent would be "extremely upset" if they gained just five pounds.
26-percent cut out entire food groups.
13-percent smoke to lose weight.
12-percent often eat when they`re not hungry, 49-percent sometimes do.

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